While here on vacation I got a phone call from Blake saying the Bishop was looking for me. He asked me if I had heard from him yet and at that time I hadn't. Later that afternoon I got the phone call. I'm was released on Sunday from my calling as the Secretary in Relief Society and called to be the second counselor in the Young
Womens Program! I am really excited to work with the sisters that have been called as Pres. and first counselor and with the youth. I really loved Young
Womens as a youth and look forward to having the opportunity to work with the girls!
I am so happy I had the chance to work with the sisters in Relief Society. I will miss working with them, but will enjoy getting to see them still as I feel like I've found new friends in them! So we'll have fun and exciting changes awaiting us when we get home! I'm hoping to get up to girls camp to see the girls at the end of the week...we'll see what happens.
The three younger kids and I are heading home Wednesday and will leave
Cailee with Grandma and Grandpa for a few more weeks. She's really excited to stay and have her special time with them. I'm excited to see Blake soon...sure do miss him.
Today I'm going to get at least one of the fatty tumors taken out of my arm. We'll see how that goes. My
lil' sis wants us to video tape it since she's working. I don't know about the video tape, but if my Mom wants to maybe we'll take some pictures.