The happiest place on right where I wanna be...with my own family!

The happiest place on right where I wanna be...with my own family!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Brandon's Birthday...only 2 weeks late

Brandon turned 3!! He's growing up so fast. We had a small family party for him while my Mom was here. It was nice and relaxed and he loved opening his presents. He got money and a fun football throw game from G-ma and G-pa Crossley (thank you!), a Leapster from Grammy and Grandpa Lynn and G-Grandma and Grandpa Goller (he LOVES to play on the Leapster and having one often was the center of contention, so this was great!) and we got him a Lightning McQueen Computer. Right now he's really into Lightning McQueen. He loves to play with cars. He got some money from some of his other grandparents too, so he picked out a Lightning McQueen race track.
Brandon is our sweet boy. From birth he's always been really good natured and pretty calm...especially for a boy. He is really smart and loves to learn. He pretty much taught himself his alphabet and the sounds that each letter makes. He never ceases to amaze us with everything he knows and does. He's our little lone ranger in a family of girls and puts up with his sisters pretty well.
Brandon and Potty Training
Right after his birthday we told him it was time for him to be a big boy and wear big boy underwear and go in the big boy potty. He was pretty resistant to the idea and told us no. So that next Tuesday I put him in underwear and he told me "no Mom...I wait till I four." No way Buddy. Anyways...the first few days I consistantly told him to go to the bathroom and we only had one accident!! Since then he's only had a couple accidents and pretty much goes on his own with few reminders here and there. Whoever said boys were harder than girls didn't have Brandon! We are so proud of him! Great job Dude!
Here's a look at the birthday boy opening presents!

Blowing out his took him a number of tries to get all three candles blown out.

It looks like he's thinking "is it really still lit?"

Brandon may have been our "surprise" baby but I can't imagine life without our little Dude. He has brought so much joy to our family and we are so lucky to have him. We love you!!


Chad, Mindy and girls said...

Happy Birthday Buddy!! 3 already? Wow! Looks like a great time...congrats on the potty training success!

Smiler said...

He looks so much like Blake! I can't believe it. Happy Birthday