The happiest place on right where I wanna be...with my own family!

The happiest place on right where I wanna be...with my own family!

Friday, January 16, 2009 everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone for their comforting words and support. I know that no matter what the outcome is with Cailee that we will always have the support of family and friends. Thank you for that. We really appreciate all the love and support we have received through this trial.
I've wanted to post for a while, but our computers are on the fritz and not working, so I'm at a friends house...(thanks my friend:) on her computer. I don't know how long it will take for our computer issue to be fixed, but we are hoping to figure something out soon.
I just want those of you who are keeping us in your prayers to know our gratitude. We are truly blessed to know each of you. Thank you.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Just keep tapping into that faith. The love and prayers from friends & family definitely hold you up, but it's your faith that will keep you strong. *hugs*

ps hope your computer gets fixed soon! :)